First learn a programming language using the step by step plan to learn a language pdf created by us. Download here.
Now start solving easy beginner question from the beginner coding sheet created by us. Download here.
After solving enough questions on programming language start learning basic DSA concepts from here.
Keep solving question from the best dsa sheet Download here or leetcode, don't stop problem solving because TWO QUESTIONS IN A DAY(REGULAR) >>>> 10 QUESTIONS IN A DAY (BUT NOT REGULAR).
Now it's time to start web development from here , also make small projects while learning development,1st learn frontend(Html,css,js,bootstrap and react) then jump to backend(nodeJs and mysql).
Also learn version control system (Git and Github) and make repositories and push everything that you are learning.
How to Study :
Follow one course for one tech mentioned in the website , do not follow more than one course for one thing
Make your own proper notes.because there is no notes better than your notes created by you.
Solve questions topic wise as mentioned in the excel dsa sheet
Within some short of time revise the previous topic which you have studied to get the strong grip on every topic.
After completing one topic and solving enough questions from sheet , you can solve the interview oriented questions from javatpoint and gfg
Make a proper group of similar interest students to discuss doubts with each other and learn.